Technical Services we can provide.
1. Built-in Firmware Design
1) We have developed firmware for varieties of printers.
- - OS: Non-OS, µ-ITRON, etc.
- - Firmware development for Printers, Printing Systems, etc.
- - Inkjet Printers, GHS Printers, etc.
2) We also have other technologies in relation to developing and manufacturing printers.
- - Various types of Tools and Jigs, Inspection Jigs, etc.
- - Detecting Devices i.e. Carbon Monoxide Detecting Device
- - Analogue Signal Devices
- - Image (Line Sensing) Sensors, Image Recognition Technologies
1) We incorporate LAN, USB, Bluetooth, FAT File Control, etc. into Non-OS based systems.
- - Thus, we can provide low cost systems.
2) We replace the system designed on µ-ITRON with other types of Microcomputers and also with Linux.
3. Making Effective Use of Real-Time Linux
1) Based on the Micro Chip for Multi-Core/Multi OS, while running Linux, by parallelly running µ-ITRON or Non-OS on other type of Core, Linux Processing can be parallelly done while doing Real-Time Processing.
2) Micro Chips such as i.MX7 can be used.
3) As Real-Time Processing that Linux lacks can be done, Systems previously operating on µ-ITRON or Non-OS can be operated on Linux.
1) We provide IoT Environments using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Gateway, etc.
5. Integration of ladder and microcontroller.
1) 定型業務に向くラダーに変則動作(それも超高速処理)得意とするマイコンの融合。